Every child has the right to feel safe in school and enjoy their education without the fear or threat of being bullied. Bullying is anti-social behaviour and can affect anyone; it is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. The school will ensure that all issues of bullying are addressed so that pupils are fully able to benefit from the opportunities available at school.
The ABA (Anti-Bullying Alliance) defines bullying as:
The repetitive, intentional hurting of one person or group by another person or group, where the relationship involves an imbalance of power. Bullying can be physical, verbal or psychological. It can happen face-to-face or online.

Parents have an important part to play in supporting the school’s anti-bullying policy.
We ask parents to:
- Look out for unusual behaviour in your children – for example, they may suddenly not wish to attend school, feel ill regularly, or not complete work to their usual standard.
- Always take an active role in your child’s education. Enquire how their day has gone, who they have spent their time with, etc.
- If you feel your child may be a victim of bullying behaviour, inform school immediately. Your complaint will be taken seriously and appropriate action will follow. Please do not approach that child on the playground or their parents or involve an older child to deal with the bully.
- It is important that you advise your child not to fight back. It can make matters worse!
- Tell your child that it is not their fault that they are being bullied.
- Reinforce the school’s policy concerning bullying and make sure your child is not afraid to ask for help.
- If you know your child is involved in bullying, please discuss the issues with them and inform school. The matter will be dealt with appropriately. Remember incidents are confidential, do not discuss them with other parents on the playground. Speak to school staff if you have concerns.
- Parents have a responsibility to support the school’s anti-bullying policy, actively encouraging their child to be a positive member of the school.
- If a parent is dissatisfied with the way the school has dealt with a bullying incident, they should follow the school complaints procedure by initially contacting the class teacher. If the concern remains, they should contact the Head Teacher. If they are still concerned, they should contact the Governing Body via the clerk.
Anti Bullying Policy