
View The Willows Prospectus

Admission Arrangements

The school's admissions arrangements are determined and set out by the Local Authority - West Berkshire Council. Admissions information can be found in the local authority's prospectus which is published on their website. Please click West Berkshire Council - Primary School Places - Information to access this information. Information relating to pupil places can also be found by visiting the school’s Local Offer page on the West Berkshire website.

School Admission Over-subscription Criteria Explained

Oversubscription criteria are used when there are more applications than places available at a school. Children with an Education Health and Care plans are allocated school places through a separate review process and will be included in the number of children allocated to the school.

If The Willows Primary School is oversubscribed, the following criteria will be used to determine which children will be offered places.

A. looked after children and all previously looked after children. Previously looked after children are children who were looked after, but ceased to be so because they were adopted or became subject to a child arrangements order or special guardianship order.

B. Children who were previously in state care outside of England, and have ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted

C. Children who have exceptional social or medical needs

D. Feeder Schools (this criteria only applies to junior school applications)

E. Catchment Area Pupils

F. Non-Catchment Siblings

G - Children of staff at the school 

H. All Other applicants who do not meet any of the Oversubscription criteria A-E

Primary Admissions Guide for Parents 2023

Welcome to Reception

If you're thinking of joining our school, please take a moment to watch our prospective parent videos.

If you are interested in joining our school, book a tour and come and see for yourself what our school is all about.

Please contact the school office on 01635 42155 or email

We hope to see you soon.

Welcome to reception power point 2021

Early Years Childcare at The Willows

We are pleased to offer flexible early years childcare arrangements across our nursery classes with options for full-time, mornings, afternoons, early week or late week sessions. 

There are currently vacancies in sessions for Saplings (2-3 year olds) and Nursery (3-4 year olds). These are open to funded children or can be paid sessions

Sessions are £15. Lunch club is charged at £3 per day for children who stay for a full day (Parents are required to provide a packed lunch).

Applications for places can be made via the school office and are set for a term at a time. If your childcare needs are not covered in the session options above please contact us to discuss the alternatives we can provide.

Nursery Admissions Policy Jan 24

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