Pupil Premium

About the Pupil Premium

At The Willows Primary School we strive to achieve the best for every child in our care. We believe that pupils should be given the opportunity to reach their potential and succeed regardless of their background or ability.

Pupil premium is funding to improve education outcomes for disadvantaged pupils in schools in England. Evidence shows that disadvantaged children generally face additional challenges in reaching their potential at school and often do not perform as well as other pupils.

Pupils looked after by the local authority and the children of armed service personnel are entitled to this premium in addition to any children who are currently entitled to or have been entitled to free school meals in the last six years.

As a school we decide how the allocated pupil premium funding should be spent. We consider each child as a unique individual and decide what additional provision should be made for them to reduce the attainment gap between the highest and lowest achieving pupils nationally. All schools are required to report on the amount of funding received, how this is being used as well as the impact of any provision.

You can find out how we have allocated our funding for this academic year below.

Pupil Premium Strategy Template Sep 2023

Pupil Premium Strategy Template Sep 2022

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