
The pupils bring to school a wide variety of behaviour patterns based on differences in home values, attitude and parenting skills. At school we work towards standards of behaviour based on the principles of honesty, respect, trust, consideration and responsibility to property and others. It follows that acceptable standards of behaviour are those which reflect these principles.

In the early years we develop children’s personal and social skills. We use the language of choice to reinforce positive behaviours and support children to talk about their feelings and behaviour. We ensure that sanctions are age appropriate and are given immediately. This will range from a verbal warning to 5 minutes of thinking time. In the most serious instances or for persistent negative behaviours, children will be taken to a member of SLT.

Communication and Parental Partnerships

Positive partnerships with parents is crucial to building trust and developing a common approach to behaviour and work expectations, and to strategies for dealing with problems. Parental participation in many aspects of school life is encouraged. Through this participation parents are more likely to be responsive if the school requires their support in dealing with difficult issues of unacceptable behaviour or work.  The Home / School Agreement is an important document to encourage positive and supportive dialogue between home and school in areas of behaviour and discipline.

The first port of call for communicating both rewards and sanctions is the class teacher. This will be done face to face at the earliest opportunity in relation to both or via a phone call in behaviour instances where face to face is not possible or for higher level negative behaviours.

Where the behaviour or work of a pupil is giving cause for concern, communication of the concerns is vital so that all adults working with the pupil are made aware of the problem, and of the steps which are being taken in response. After initially ensuring that all staff involved have been consulted, early warning of concerns will be communicated to the parents so that strategies can be discussed and agreed before more formal steps are required.  If a problem persists, the issue will be referred to the Headteacher.  


Positive behaviours are reinforced by rewards and as a school we want to reinforce the positive behaviours that we see day in and out with the majority of children. This could be both in their learning behaviours or in the way they interact with friends, teachers and the school environment. We use a number of strategies across the whole school to praise and reward positive behaviour including:

  • Non-Verbal Gestures – Smiling, nodding and generally encouraging gestures are the first and most frequently used form of feedback staff will give to children. It should not be underestimated how valuable this is to engendering a positive atmosphere and environment in school. 
  • Verbal Praise – First and foremost we value directly praising good examples of behaviour or learning. This instant form of feedback is one of the most effective ways to reinforce positive behaviour and boost confidence. All members of staff regularly praise positive behaviours they see.
  • Written Praise – Most regularly seen in books, written feedback will outline what children have done well. It is often balanced with what they need to do to improve and is most regularly seen in the older year groups.

House Points – Each child in the school belongs to one of the 4 school houses.

Children can earn house points at any time as part of verbal and written praise. These can be given for a number of reasons including for example; fantastic effort, positive behaviour both in the classroom and outside on the playground, following the school rules, demonstrating the school values, good work as well as through positive learning behaviours such as learning from a mistake, co-operating effectively in group work activities or sharing an excellent answer or idea.

Children collect counters for each house point they receive. These are counted weekly by our new school House Captains and scores are recorded and celebrated as part of our weekly praise assembly, which takes place on a Friday.

Each teacher recognises 2 children per week for their special praise and these children receive a certificate and sticker in praise assembly on a Friday. Teacher’s praise can be given for a wide range of things such as academic achievement, attitude to learning, positive use of school values, effort, contribution and collaboration with others. These certificates are displayed for the next week in our Praise Gallery in the school hall. After this time, they are taken down and the children are given their certificates to take home.

Learning Warrior of the Week Awards are given out each week. Teachers recognise one child each week who has shown real determination in their learning and dealt with a learning struggle or something they found particularly difficult or challenging.

Behaviour Policy

Anti-Bullying Policy

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